A Board, whose members are democratically elected by the members, and a Secretary General, manage EAS. Advisory members may attend the Board meetings (without voting rights). Reporting to the Board are a Programme Manager and Working Party Coordinators and Technical Officers.
The president

Andrea Anesini
PresidentThe board

Manfred Kunschitz
Jean-Pierre Delmas
Mike Morr
Patrick Pauwels
Michel Rocca
Rodolfo Saccani
Julian Scarfe
Rieteke van Luijt
Ralf Hubo
Capt Wolfgang Weinreich
Honorary President
Sir John Allison
Honorary President
David Roberts
Honorary President
Pierre Leonard
Secretary General
Nils Rostedt
Programme Manager
Timo Schubert
EU Policy Adviser
Diana King
Newsletter Editor
Rudolf Schuegraf
Past Senior Vice-President, Advisor
Torkell Saetervadet
AdvisorHow we work
The President and the Board – volunteers who are democratically elected by our members in the General Meeting – provide the direction, strategy and governance for the association. The Board is responsible for the overall policy direction and addresses current and future regulatory issues which are relevant to the sports and recreational aviation community.
The Secretary General supports the Board in the day-to-day management of the association. A professional Programme Manager coordinates the technical input at the level of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and Eurocontrol or the EU Single European Sky initiative. A professional EU policy adviser organises a continuous dialogue with the European Commission, the Council (EU Member States) and the European Parliament. EAS has signed up to the EU’s Transparency Register (Identification number: 83743954330-47).
Furthermore, voluntary Technical Officers and nominated experts represent the organisation in topic-specific subject matters, such as pilot licensing, airworthiness, maintenance, operations, aircraft equipment requirements and access to airspace, to mention only a few.